- Inspiring talks from our keynote speaker, field trainers, and Neora’s executives
- Take-note marketing, sales and social media insights shared by industry leaders
- Proven tactics to increase overall customers and average sale per customer
- Deeper understanding of product benefits
- Sneak peeks of new products
- Time-stretching techniques to get more done and successfully balance
business and personal life - Fun, fun, fun!
- Inspiring talks from our keynote speaker, field trainers, and Neora’s executives
- Take-note marketing, sales and social media insights shared by industry leaders
- Proven tactics to increase overall customers and average sale per customer
- Deeper understanding of product benefits
- Sneak peeks of new products
- Time-stretching techniques to get more done and successfully balance
business and personal life - Fun, fun, fun!

I was excited when I arrived, but that was nothing compared to how excited I was leaving! I attended my first Get Real July of 2013, 3 months after joining. I left Conference with my hair on fire! Listening to all the success stories gave me a whole new belief in myself. Hearing from the corporate staff, especially Jeff Olson made it all very real and gave me new respect and belief in the company.

The BOOST of inspiration is huge. The knowledge you gain is priceless! I will never miss GET REAL! As the conference is happening, we are all plugged in at the same time, creating a very special Energy. We are learning and experiencing so much emotion as well! Every level of Neora is present and we are all tuned in to the same frequency. It just doesn't get better than that!

You walk away with so much more knowledge on the products and are ready to shout it out to the world. Always so motivating too with all of the guest speakers.

Conference has always given me the belief to believe in myself and stretch my believed to places I've never stretched before. Conference is a place to bond and encourage other teammates! I have never missed one.. not even the one where it was my little girl's 1st birthday! I know it is the place we et to personally celebrate each other's victories! I will never miss a conference!! It is a place to grow more dreams!

Attending Get Real solidified my commitment to stay plugged in. Being in healthcare has challenged us personally and professionally. Staying connected to the. Slight Edge and the Neora family kept me positive and provided a bright light for our team. I (we) could not have thrived without our connection to the rhythm of Neora during one of the most challenging times for our (my husband's) company.

I joined Neora several years ago in April and attended the Get Real that July, not really knowing anything at all about the importance of this. However, as a business owner, I knew the importance of being aware of what was going on and where the company is going. I was blown away! I have not missed one since! You don't want to miss the opportunity to become a better human being, not just a better Brand Partner.

What Get Real has done for my business is immeasurable. I take what I learn and apply it to all aspects of my life and in doing so, EVERYTHING has gotten better! When they teach you to "Dream Big" - take that to heart! Missing conference is NOT an option. EVER!
